
Explore your options — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 使用 全球语言与文化研究专业指南 找到你感兴趣的东西, 发现你的所爱, and create a major experience that jumpstarts your future. 

Engage with diverse cultures and languages from around the world to become a global citizen.

提高一种或多种语言的语言能力, 包括西班牙语, 法国, 德语和日语. Explore different cultures and worldviews through literature, film, music, and other media. Gain intercultural communication skills and global awareness. Prepare for careers in fields such as international business, 外交, 翻译, 教育, 和更多的.

作为一名全球语言和文化研究专业的学生, you will engage with diverse cultures and languages from around the world. 通过学习不是一种而是两种现代语言, 你会提高沟通技巧, 跨文化理解和批判性思维. Embrace the challenge and fulfillment of becoming bilingual or trilingual, thus opening doors across the hemispheres and becoming a true global citizen. 毕业生准备把你的技能带到任何部门, 从联合国到跨国公司. 世界是你的!


“全球语言与文化研究” majors go on to a variety of careers and graduate schools from St. 爱德华的. 这里有一个例子.

  • 教育和语言教学
  • 国际商务与贸易
  • 外交和政府服务
  • 非营利性和人道主义工作
  • 笔译和口译
  • 国际新闻机构的新闻和媒体
  • 旅游、酒店、航空、艺术和文化

For more information on the “全球语言与文化研究” major, please contact 菲利普Seminet. 这个专业是 语言、文学和文化学系


作为一名全球语言和文化研究专业的学生, you’ll have opportunities to expand your horizons through study abroad and to practice new languages through experiential learning. Opportunities will also be available to broaden your skill set and practice what you've learned locally in Austin.


Your courses will teach you to apply what you learn in real-life situations. In Topics in Comparative 语言、文学和文化, you'll better understand the world around you by sharing your own experiences as well as learning about those of your classmates. You may also take classes like Multilingualism in the U.S. and Intercultural 沟通 which improve your communication skills, 跨文化理解和批判性思维.


Studying abroad is the perfect way to immerse yourself in a new environment and rely exclusively on your language skills. These programs will help you understand another culture and how people in another country view the United States. They also offer tremendous opportunities for personal growth. St. 爱德华的 offers study-abroad opportunities in Spain, France, Costa Rica, Japan, Italy 和更多的. 你可以选择一个St. 爱德华的 professor leads students in classes and guided travels for several weeks, or you can study at an international university for a semester. 当你在国外大学学习的时候, you’ll live in campus housing with students from that country or with a host family, 是什么让你沉浸在日常生活的节奏中.


语言俱乐部(西班牙语), 法国, 德语和日语), as well as Alpha Mu Gamma (the Honors Languages club) give you the opportunity to connect with students with similar interests and global worldviews. The International Student Association and Latinx Student Leaders Organization also offer you the chance to learn more about other cultures through social activities and programs.

科兹梅茨基卓越中心位于圣. 爱德华大学将国际专家带到校园, 无论是面对面还是虚拟的, 与大学社区分享他们的知识. Past speakers have included American and foreign diplomats, 政策制定者, 大学学者, 以及企业的领导者, 非营利和文化社区. You’ll have the chance to listen and ask questions of these global experts in sustainable development, 和平与安全, 全球健康, 气候变化和全球金融.